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Rogation Walk 2024 Video


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Rogation Walk 2024 Images


Christmas Market 2023

Remembrance November 2022

School Service and Remembrance Sunday

October 2022

St Luke’s Peckham Patronal and Pet Blessing at Terwick

Harvest Festival on the Rec

Sunday 26th September 2021

The music for the slideshow is Percy Grainger’s Harvest Hymn

Some more images from Harvest Festival 2021

Ellacombe 200 Year Celebration

26th June 2021


The ‘Ellacombe’ – Bell Ringing Apparatus


Judith Mowll’s Funeral 14th April 2021

Edited version: 35 minutes

Click the image below – when the link is opened,

press the play icon at the foot of your screen


Easter Sunday 2021

Remembrance Sunday 2020

Open Air Harvest Festival 20th September 2020

Rogate Recreation Ground


Benefice Open Air Service [2 min 30]

Sunday 26th July 2020 Rogate Recreation Ground

May 2020 Because of ‘Lockdown’ we were unable to walk this year with our friends from St Lukes Peckham, so instead ……

A Montage of previous Rogation Walks


Christingle Service 2019

Christmas Market 2019

Remembrance Sunday 2019

and the handing over of the British Legion Flag to the Church for safekeeping

St Richard Awards Chichester Cathedral October 2019

Elizabeth Brown and John Field receive their award from Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester

Fish & Chip Supper July 2019

Rogation Walk May 2019

A 60 second video and some images below

All Stars Concert February 2019